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Worship Services

Holy Eucharist


Each Sunday, we celebrate and share communion at two services:


8:00 a.m. - Holy Eucharist: Rite I

A more contemplative service using traditional language with no music.


10:00 a.m. - Holy Eucharist: Rite II

A more contemporary service with music and choir.​


Wednesdays we celebrate the Holy Eucharist in conjunction with a healing service at Noon.

Adult Christian Education &
Children's Church


Each Sunday between the 8:00 AM and 10:00 AM services, adult Christian education meets in the Parish Hall. Our topic for January and February is Living the Sabbath, exploring the meaning of the Sabbath, historic practices forSabbath keeping, and ways we are called to keep the Sabbath holy today.


Children are invited to a special Children's Church during the first part of the 10:00 AM service most Sundays.  Volunteer members of the church with experience working with children and youth lead the young participants in enriching examination of one of the scripture readings for the day.

Other Sacraments


​Saint Michael's welcomes the opportunity to provide sacramental services for its members, and in some circumstances for non-members, such as baptism, marriage, last rites, and burial. 


If you are interested in Saint Michael's being the host church for these sacramental services, please coordinate with the Rector directly. 


To inquire about these services, ...

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